Collaborative Sourcing, Supply, Sustainability and Fashion with ETU


Second and third year undergraduates and postgraduate students from the School of Fashion and Textiles with an interest in learning more about sustainable fashion, marketing and supply chain strategies are eligible to apply for this opportunity. The maximum number of places for this opportunity is 12 and the minimum required is 6.


This is an exciting opportunity to meet and collaborate with students at Eurasian Technological University (ETU) in Kazakhstan. Through supported online seminars with academic experts, you will work on a brief designed to give your team of 6 students (3 from DMU and 3 from ETU) the expertise needed to develop a complete strategy to bring this sustainable fashion product to market.

The programme of activity will include:

  • Meet and greet networking sessions
  • Seminars and expert talks on marketing and branding strategies for sustainable fashion
  • Sessions on blockchain technologies and fashion traceability and transparency
  • Online ‘field trips’ to gather materials to gather and share information


The objectives of this DMU GLobal Online Learning opportunity are as follows:

  • Develop expertise in sustainable fashion sourcing strategies
  • Explore sustainable fashion marketing and branding approaches and develop an understanding of the challenges and current pressures on the fashion industry, such as trade, price, sustainability, speed to market and technologies such as Blockchain
  • Develop your networking skills and make contacts at ETU in Kazakhstan


If you would like to participate on this opportunity, click the ‘Apply now’ button at the bottom of this page. You will receive full details of the programme to your DMU e-mail account shortly after the deadline. Please, check your inbox as well as junk inbox regularly.

Key information

  • Application deadline: Monday 24 May 2021, 9am
  • Dates: Between 10 June – 18 June 2021
  • Opportunity duration: 35 hours

If you have any questions about this opportunity please contact Claire Lerpiniere at