LGBTQ+ student travel advice

At DMU we believe everyone should have the right to travel, free from harassment and persecution, unfortunately many countries are not as liberal as the U.K in relation to the LGBTQ+ community. Attitudes towards LGBTQ+ travellers vary, and it is important to familiarise yourself of the legal and cultural factors to be able to make an informed decision. 

Research you can do and where you can find information

Advice for LGBTQ+ travellers while overseas

  • Avoid potentially risky situations – don’t do anything that you wouldn’t at home
  • Excessive physical shows of affection, by both same-sex and heterosexual couples, are often best avoided in public
  • If you intend to visit cruising areas or are using a dating app find out about the local situation – police in some countries have been known to carry out entrapment campaigns
  • Be wary of new-found ‘friends’- criminals sometimes exploit the generally open and relaxed nature of the gay scene
  • If you receive unwelcome attention or unwelcome remarks it’s usually best to ignore it. If harrassed, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible.
  • You’re more likely to experience difficulties in rural areas so it’s best to exercise discretion
  • Some resorts can be quite segregated – when you are outside the ‘gay neighbourhood’ expressions of sexuality may be frowned upon
  • Consider increasing privacy settings on your social media or other apps while you are travelling
  • Some hotels, especially in rural areas, won’t accept bookings from same sex couples – check