Comparing Audiology Practices Across Cultures


A range of DMU Global Online Learning opportunities are being organised for Audiology students for the 2020-221 academic year, to give them an international experience, and the chance to engage with peers globally. These semi-structured comparative discussions will take place with a range of partner universities in Europe, whereby DMU students will meet and discuss a range of Audiology topics, including:

  • How their programmes compare and differ
  • How audiology is delivered in practice
  • The effect of COVID-19 on their learning
  • How they see audiology in the future

Learning objectives

These opportunities for Audiology students have been designed with the following learning objectives in mind. Firstly, they will allow students the chance to discuss the differences in Audiology training across a range of countries. Secondly, they will help students understand the cultural differences between countries and the impact this has on patient care. Lastly, the exercise will give students the opportunity to share experiences of the impact of COVID-19 on their training and placements.

Comparing Audiology practices with Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Eligibility: 2nd year Audiology students are eligible to apply for this opportunity with 30 places available.

Activity date/s: 30 April 2021
8 hours
Application deadline:
Thursday 29 April 2021, 9am

Comparing Audiology practices with Artvelde University, Belgium

Eligibility: 3rd year Audiology students are eligible to apply for this opportunity with 30 places available.

Activity date/s: 29 March – 24 May 2021
12 hours
Application deadline:
Thursday 11 March 2021, 9am (CLOSED)

If you have any questions about these opportunities please contact Wendy Stevens at


If you would like to join this activity, click the ‘Apply now’ button at the bottom of this page. You will receive more details about the activity to your DMU e-mail account shortly after the deadline. Please, check your inbox as well as junk inbox regularly.