DMU Global Carbon Levy

In line with Principle 29 of the CANIE Accord, DMU Global have established a Carbon Levy for individuals who take a flight to go on an overseas experience as part of our programme. The funds that we generate will be used to support projects with environment, climate and social justice outcomes. We recognise the challenges of directly offsetting carbon emissions from flights, but want to contribute proactively to addressing the Climate Crisis, and see the introduction of the DMU Global Carbon Levy as one of the actions we can take.

How does it work?

For all students that take a flight for a DMU Global overseas trip, there is a Carbon Levy of:

  • £3 for short-haul flights in Europe
  • £5 for medium and long-haul flights outside of Europe

Where students travel by rail or coach there will be no Levy, as these are low-carbon modes of travel which we are trying to encourage. The Levy will be added to the advertised cost of the trip and taken as part of the payment via the Online Store. Where students are not travelling on a group trip, and are booking independently we will strongly encourage them to make an optional contribution to the Levy via the Online Store.

What is the funding target?

All funds taken from students will go directly towards designated local projects, and will be match-funded by DMU Global. Our target for the 2023-24 academic year is to raise £1000 from student contributions, which will be supplemented by a further £1000 from DMU Global.


Total Carbon Levy Project Funding target for 2023-24

What projects does it support?

Our aim is to support a range of local projects in Leicester and Leicestershire that focus on the environment, climate and social justice outcomes. Other projects with links to the UN SDGs may also be supported, but our priority is those aligned with SDG 13 – Climate Action.

The projects form part of the Community Challenge Fund (CCF), which is managed and delivered by DMU’s Directorate of Engagement. Our aim is to support two projects in the 2023-24 academic year. Details of the first projected to be supported by the DMU Global Carbon Levy will be announced in June 2024.

How will the impact and outcomes be reported?

Details of the money raised from the Carbon Levy, the projects supported and their impact will be published on this webpage. Annually a Community Challenge Fund report will be published and share with all contributors to the Carbon Levy so that they can see how the funding was used.