Global Futures Internship in Bangalore, India

Key Information


Application Deadline: 19/02/24 at 9:00 am

Ref: 10008360


Departure Date: 08/06/24

Return Date: 07/07/24


£2400: the estimated cost for flights, accommodation and the programme fee. Students will also be required to pay for: UK and in-country transfers, visits, food and drink, and visa


DMU Global Bursary: £400

Additional Funding: £1495 (£590 + £905 flight bursary for Widening Participation students as part of the Turing Scheme)


Accommodation: Shared rooms in a hostel/hotel booked by DMU

Travel: Flights will be booked by DMU and students will travel as a group


General Enquiries: Global Mobility Office -

How to pay

Payment details: Students who meet the Widening Participation criteria will be required to pay an estimated £400-500 as a contribution towards the cost of travel, accommodation and transfers (if included) after being offered a place on the trip. The DMU Global bursary and Turing Scheme funding will be deducted directly from the overall cost of the booking.

Carbon Levy

Student contribution: To offset the carbon emissions from the flight for this trip there is a £5 Carbon Levy for this trip which has been added to the total cost. Information about how this Levy will be used can be found here.


All undergraduate students are eligible to participate on this opportunity. To qualify for the DMU Global and Turing Scheme funding for this opportunity students need to meet at least one of these ‘Widening Participation‘ criteria.


After the initial application, students may be invited to a follow-up interview before formally being offered a place on this internship. There are a maximum of 10 places available. Students are recommended to check the eligibility criteria before applying.


Please note, if you have already participated on or been accepted for a DMU Global overseas trip between September 2023 and August 2024 you are not eligible to apply for this opportunity.


Students are recommended to apply for no more than 2 overseas opportunities. Further application submissions will not be considered.


In cooperation with our partner Common Purpose, undergraduate DMU students have the opportunity to spend 4 weeks gaining international work experience in Bangalore! Through a range of culturally immersive activities and spending time working with a business, government agency or NGO in Bangalore, you’ll get below the surface of the city – while developing a range of employability skills. Spending 3 weeks working on a real-life project, there is the opportunity to make a meaningful difference to the organisation where you are interning.

Common Purpose are a non-for-profit who are committed to developing leaders who can cross boundaries. They focus on enabling students to develop the skills and competencies needed to thrive in the 21st century, and to help them become work ready to tackle the complex challenges the world faces – today and tomorrow. Alongside DMU students, participants from the University of Bristol, University of Liverpool and University of Westminster will also be participating – providing the opportunity to collaborate with students from other UK universities.

The opportunity will consist of the following phases:

  • Immersion – for the first three days, participants will be immersed into the city and the culture, getting to know the context of the internship. Meeting leaders, and visiting organisations and communities, you will gain an understanding of the of the hot topics, issues, challenges and opportunities that are faced. As part of the orientation period, there will be the opportunity to enjoy local culture and food, to help acclimatise to the surrounding, before entering the internship phase of the programme.
  • Internship – for three weeks, students will work in small teams in a host organisation within the city. Each group of students will be set a project to work on across the week – with an emphasis on this not just being admin, but a real life project with clear deliverables and outcomes that the organization wants their support and ideas on. Students will be supported to ensure that they have to the relevant colleagues, stakeholders and resources to successfully achieve the aims of their project.
  • Reflection – at the end of the internship, the whole group reconvenes to critically reflect on the experience. This will consist of realising and articulating individual growth; exploration of how learning can be implemented in he future; and action planning for further development.

A more detailed overview of the programme can be found here…

Global Futures: Bangalore, India
Programme overview

Learning Objectives

Through the programme, participants will develop employability skills and by the end of the 4 week experience, students will be able to tell future employers that they are able to:

  • Understand other cultures and work in their diverse teams
  • Step forward into ambiguity and have the confidence to navigate the complexity of the modern workplace
  • Adapt to new environments and settings, you can operate wherever they need you to
  • Deliver real results and solve problems for them, adding value to them and their objectives.

Visa Information

All students for this opportunity will require either a full visa or e-visa to travel to India. General information for UK nationals can be found on the FCDO website. Further information and guidance will be given to successful applicants.