
Online training modules

To help make your DMU Global experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we have developed a range of interactive, online training modules to help you prepare for your time overseas.

Our training modules will remember your progress, so you can choose to complete them in stages. We hope you find them informative and engaging, and encourage you to provide us with feedback via the evaluation form at the end of the training!

Accessing our online training modules 

Our online training modules are hosted on LearningZone in the DMU Global Community shell. We will update this page in due course with instructions on how you can access our community shell and the training modules.

Health & Safety Abroad 

Launch training

This module is for all students that are travelling overseas on a DMU Global opportunity. It covers a range of topics that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to stay healthy and safe when you are abroad.

The training is mandatory for all participants to complete prior to travel, and we recommend that you do it at least 4 weeks before you go. You can access it via LearningZone, and it will take between 45-60 minutes

Sustainability & Travel 

Launch training

This module offers all students the opportunity to learn more about sustainability, and the impact of travel on the environment. It covers a range of topics that will help you understand how to be a more responsible traveller.

The training is optional. You can access it via LearningZone, and it will take between 30-45 minutes. 

Student support

We appreciate that all students have different requirements, concerns and steps that they need to take as part of their preparation for overseas travel. To assist you in this process, we have prepared guidance and resources that cover a range of topics, which can be explored below…

Disability support

Learn more

LGBT student advice

Learn more

Minority students

Learn more

Visa information

Learn more


Whether you have questions about travel and accommodation bookings, insurance, foreign currency or even Brexit and its impact on your overseas experience, we have collated information that can be accessed via the links below…

Travel essentials

Learn more

COVID-19 Travel Information

Learn more